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Get Transaction Detail

By using this method, you can view the details of a specific transaction.

GET /integrations/payment/outlets/{outlet_id}/v1/transactions/{id}

Sample Request

Sample Request
curl -X GET{outlet_id}/v1/transactions/{id} \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

Path Parameters

JSON AttributeDescriptionTypeRequired
outlet_idThe Outlet ID where the transaction is bound to.StringRequired
idID of a transaction whose details you want to view.StringRequired

Sample Response - 200 Success

Sample Response
"success": true,
"data": {
"outlet": {
"id": "G000012345",
"pop_id": "fa6082ea-06da-4483-9c7e-eeb0447ed53e"
"transaction": {
"id": "71839e9c-944b-40ce-bd31-8a76db666f36",
"qris_string": "00020101021226610014COM.GO-JEK.WWW01189360091430438058080210G4066636330303UMI51440014ID.CO.QRIS.WWW0215ID10190240190010303UMI5204581253033605802ID5922jumpstart-staging-qris6015Bandung deket r61054025762470703A0150363ed186eb-4837-4f54-afa6-0e007b36b4ce5406342.006304B802",
"payment_type": "qris",
"status": "pending",
"order_id": "order-1234",
"gross_amount": 3000,
"currency": "IDR",
"created_at": "2020-03-09T11:33:08Z",
"settlement_at": null
"actions": [
"name": "generate-qr-code",
"method": "GET",
"url": ""

Response Parameter - 200 Success

JSON AttributeDescriptionType
successStatus of the request. Value true indicates successful submission of the request.Boolean
dataDetails of transaction.Object
» outletDetails of the outlet.Object
» transactionDetails of a transaction.Object
» actionsAction performed for the transaction.Array(Object)

Sample Response - 404 Not Found

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message_title": "Not found",
"message": "Transaction not found"

Response Parameter - 404 Not Found

JSON AttributeDescriptionType
successStatus of the request. Value false indicates an error.Boolean
errorsDetails of the error.Array(Object)
  • To perform this operation, you must be authenticated using go_auth_client_credentials(payment:transaction:read).
  • Possible error responses are 401, 404, 406, and 415. Please refer Error Glossary.