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Unlink Outlet by Merchant ID

By using this method, you can specify which outlet that you want to undo the linking explained in previous section. The unlink process should be initiated when the merchant's partnership ends.

To perform this operation, you need to make sure the user has an access to the specified outlet ID. Please refer Token Info API

DELETE /integrations/partner/outlets/{outlet_id}/v1/link/{product}

Sample Request

Sample Request
curl -X DELETE{outlet_id}/v1/link/{product} \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

Path Parameters

outlet_idID of the outlet for which you want to link.StringRequired
productThe product name. Currently available are gofood, paymentStringRequired

Sample Response - 200 Success

Sample Response
"success": true,
"data": {}

Response - 200 Success

JSON AttributeDescriptionType
successStatus of the request. Value true indicates successful submission of the request.Boolean
dataDetails metadata if any.Object
  • To perform this operation, you must have one of ["owner", "admin", "manager"] role and authenticated using go_auth_authorization_code(partner:outlet:read). .* Possible error response is 401, 403. Please refer Error Glossary.