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Unlink Outlet

By using this method, you can undo the linking explained in previous section. The unlink process should be initiated when the merchant's partnership ends.

  • This API is designed to undo the linking of the user's primary outlet only. It may pose potential issues for multi-outlet merchants.
  • To know the user's primary outlet, please refer Token Info API.
  • We suggest you to use unlink outlet by Merchant ID. Please refer Unlink Outlet by Merchant ID.

DELETE /integrations/partner/v1/outlet-link

Sample Request

Sample Request
curl -X DELETE \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

Sample Response - 200 Success

Sample Response
"success": true,
"data": {}

Response - 200 Success

JSON AttributeDescriptionType
successStatus of the request. Value true indicates successful submission of the request.Boolean
dataDetails metadata if any.Object
  • To perform this operation, you must have one of ["owner", "admin", "manager"] role and authenticated using go_auth_authorization_code(partner:outlet:read). .* Possible error response is 401. Please refer Error Glossary.