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Get Paid Transactions List

By calling this API, you can get the list of paid transactions in the specified outlet.

GET /integrations/mokapos/outlets/{outlet_id}/v1/reporting/transactions

Path Parameters

outlet_idThe Outlet IDStringRequired

Query Parameters

per_pageThe max number of items on each page. Max: 1000IntegerOptional
pageThe number of the pageIntegerOptional
orderThe order of the resulting list, based on date. Valid values are ASC or DESC. Default: DESCStringOptional

Sample Response - 200 Success

"success": true,
"data": {
"transactions": [
"id": "752cf7ff-6625-42cb-b317-c6ee9fb5b5d5",
"total_collected": 46000,
"name": "Ayam Bawang",
"payment_no": "53L8YFC",
"payment_type": "cash",
"payment_type_label": "Cash",
"payment_note": "",
"discounts": 5100.1,
"subtotal": 45900.9,
"gratuities": 0,
"taxes": 0,
"tendered": 46000,
"transaction_date": "2020-08-03T15:30:50.748+07:00",
"invoice_due_date": null,
"invoice_no": null,
"invoice_deposit_amount": null,
"invoice_payment_records": [],
"payment_taxes": [
"id": 66724,
"name": "Pajak Jadian",
"amount": 1,
"total": -755.0125,
"taxable_amount": -75501.25
"payment_gratuities": [
"id": 102878,
"name": "Zakat",
"amount": 2.5,
"total": -1806.25
"payment_discounts": [
"id": 3223,
"payment_id": 86949,
"discount_id": 2712,
"discount_amount": -100000,
"discount_name": "Promo Natal",
"discount_type": "cash",
"discount_cash": 100000
"payment_refunds": [
"id": 86947,
"status": "Done",
"payment_type": "gift_card",
"amount_pay": 0,
"amount_change": 0,
"total_discount_amount": 0,
"total_gratuity_amount": 0,
"total_item_price_amount": 0,
"total_tax_amount": 0,
"total_checkouts_amount": 0,
"is_refunded": true,
"refunded_reason": "Returned Goods",
"refunded_date": "2017-02-06T00:00:00.000+07:00",
"refund_amount": 153,
"refund_type": "partial"
"items": [
"id": 20472591,
"custom_amount": 0,
"variant_id": 36629111,
"quantity": 1,
"discount_amount": 5100.1,
"tax_amount": 0,
"price_library": 51001,
"price": 51001,
"price_discount": 45900.9,
"gratuity_amount": 0,
"price_discount_gratuity": 0,
"total_price": 45900.9,
"price_quantity": 51001,
"category_name": "Ayam",
"category_id": 192604,
"name": "Ayam Bawang",
"variant_name": "",
"sku": "",
"note": null,
"gross_sales": 51001,
"net_sales": 45900.9,
"price": 51001,
"refunded_quantity": 0,
"modifiers": [
"id": 85676810,
"checkout_id": 1181534847,
"modifier_id": 46842,
"modifier_option_id": 1918514,
"modifier_name": "dsadsa",
"modifier_option_name": "1",
"price": 1,
"payment_id": 584168793,
"discount_amount": 0.1,
"gross_sales": 1,
"net_sales": 0.9,
"redeem_amount": 0
"discounts": [
"id": 47270,
"type": "percentage",
"name": "A",
"percentage": 10,
"cash": 0,
"amount": 5100.1

To perform this operation, you must be authenticated using go_auth_client_credentials(mokapos:reporting:read).