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GoBiz allows a partner to create SKU-level promotions specific to any outlet. You can create a promotion, view a list of promotions for a specific outlet, and also delete or deactivate a promotion.

The methods available in Promotions are listed in the table given below.

POST/integrations/promo/outlets/{outlet_id}/v1/food-promosIt is used to create promotions for a specific outlet.
GET/integrations/promo/outlets/{outlet_id}/v1/food-promosIt is used to retrieve the list of promotions for a specific partner.
GET/integrations/promo/outlets/{outlet_id}/v1/food-promos/{promotion_id}It is used to get the detailed information about a specific promotion.
DELETE/integrations/promo/outlets/{outlet_id}/v1/food-promos/{promotion_id}It is used to delete a specific promotion.
PUT/integrations/promo/outlets/{outlet_id}/v1/food-promos/{promotion_id}/deactivateIt is used to deactivate an active promotion.

Create Promotions

It helps you to create promotions for a specific outlet.

POST /integrations/promo/outlets/{outlet_id}/v1/food-promos

Sample Request

Sample Request
curl -X POST{outlet_id}/v1/food-promos \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Request-ID: some-sample-request-id' \
-H 'X-Idempotency-Key: 3f5751ac-4423-4f60-aeb9-aacb5e76e4d1' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}' \
-d $'
"promo_type": "sku_promo",
"promo_detail": {
"start_date": "2020-09-04",
"end_date": "2020-09-07",
"start_time" : "14:00:00",
"end_time" : "16:00:00",
"selling_price": 2500,
"external_menu_id": "external_menu_id",
"applicable_days" : ["sunday", "monday"]

Path Parameter

outlet_idID of the outlet for which you want to create a promotion.StringRequired

Header Parameters

X-Request-IDIt is used to track the request. It is sent back on the response headers. If a request ID already exists as the x-request-id in the HTTP request header and fulfills the length requirements, then it is used. Otherwise, a new request ID is generated and the request is not rejected. Maximum Limit: 128 characters.StringOptional
X-Idempotency-KeyA valid UUID that is used to identify whether the request is a new request or a retry request. Maximum Limit: 36 characters.String(UUID)Required

Request Parameters

JSON AttributeDescriptionTypeRequired
promo_typeType of the promotion. Value: sku_promoStringRequired
promo_detailDetails of a promotion.ObjectRequired
  • You can select to define the discounted selling price or the discount percentage. If you want to define the selling price, you can use selling_price field. If you want to define the discount in percentage, you can use percentage_discount field.
  • If start_date is same as current date, the promo is activated immediately.
  • If start_date is greater than the current date, then the promo is activated from midnight of start_date.
  • If Menu name or Item name is changed, then the promo disappears.
  • SKU promo uses external_item_id as a reference, hence the promo will be applied for all the items with the same external_item_id.
  • The final price must be between 10% (minimum) and 99% (maximum) of the original price.
  • Current maximum duration of a promo is 62 days for Production environment, and 30 days for Sandbox environment.
  • The end_date of promo should be greater than the start_date.
  • start_date should be equal to or greater than the catalog update date.
  • You can create a promotion that targets specific time. For example, you want to enable the promotion only on dinner time (18.00-21.00). You can use start_time and end_time field to define the time-range.
  • Should you choose to use start_time and end_time, the promotion time must be between 1 hour (minimum) and 6 hours (maximum).
  • You can create a promotion that targets specific days within a week. For example, you want to enable the promotion only on Monday and Thursday. You can use applicable_days field to define them.

Sample Response - 201 Success

Sample Response
"success": true,
"data": {
"success": [
"id": "promotion_id",
"external_menu_id": "external-menu-id",
"errors": null
"failure": [
"id": null,
"external_menu_id": "external-menu-id",
"errors": "Item is not active"

Response Parameters - 201 Success

JSON AttributeDescriptionType
successStatus of the request. Value true indicates successful submission of the request.Boolean
dataDetails of the promotion including success and error cases.Object
» successDetails of the promotion when request is successfully submitted.Object
» failureDetails of the promotion when request fails.Object
  • To perform this operation, Direct Integration partner must be authenticated using go_auth_client_credentials(promo:food_promo:write).
  • To perform this operation, Facilitator partner must be authenticated using go_auth_authorization_code(promo:food_promo:write).
  • Possible error responses are 401, 404, 406, and 415. Please refer Error Glossary.

Get Promotions

This method allows you to retrieve the list of promotions for a specific outlet.

GET /integrations/promo/outlets/{outlet_id}/v1/food-promos

Sample Request

Sample Request
curl -X GET{outlet_id}/v1/food-promos \
-H 'X-Request-ID: some-sample-request-id' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

Path Parameter

outlet_idID of the outlet for which you want to view the list of promotions.StringRequired

Header Parameters

X-Request-IDIt is used to track the request. It is sent back on the response headers. If a request ID already exists as the x-request-id in the HTTP request header and fulfills the length requirements, then it is used. Otherwise, a new request ID is generated and the request is not rejected. Maximum Limit: 128 characters.StringOptional

Query Parameters

limitNumber of promotions to be displayed per page. If zero or null value is passed, it uses the default value, which is 25.IntegerOptional
pageThe page number to display the promotions.IntegerOptional

Sample Response - 200 Success

Sample Response
"success": true,
"data": {
"promotions": [
"start_date": "2020-09-04",
"end_date": "2020-09-04",
"status": "created",
"id": "96f614f6-745e-47f5-ad68-c0c8e9ba8dc8"
"total_count": 100,
"limit": 10,
"page": 2

Response Parameters - 200 Success

JSON AttributeDescriptionType
successStatus of the request. Value true indicates successful submission of the request.Boolean
dataDetails of the promotions.Object
» promotionsArray of the promotions object.Object
» total_countTotal count of the promotions.Integer
» limitNumber of the promotions per page.Integer
» pageThe page number displaying the promotions.Integer
  • To perform this operation, Direct Integration partner must be authenticated using go_auth_client_credentials(promo:food_promo:read).
  • To perform this operation, Facilitator partner must be authenticated using go_auth_authorization_code(promo:food_promo:read).
  • Possible error responses are 401, 404, 406, and 415. Please refer Error Glossary.

Get a Promotion Detail

By using this method, you can get the detailed information about a specific promotion.

GET /integrations/promo/outlets/{outlet_id}/v1/food-promos/{promotion_id}

Sample Request

curl -X GET{outlet_id}/v1/food-promos/{promotion_id} \
-H 'X-Request-ID: some-sample-request-id' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

Path Parameters

outlet_idID of the outlet for which you want to view the details of a promotion.StringRequired
promotion_idID of the promotion whose details you want to view.StringRequired

Header Parameter

X-Request-IDIt is used to track the request. It is sent back on the response headers. If a request ID already exists as the x-request-id in the HTTP request header and fulfills the length requirements, then it is used. Otherwise, a new request ID is generated and the request is not rejected. Maximum Limit: 128 characters.StringOptional

Sample Response - 200 Success

Sample Response
"success": true,
"data": [
"id": "96f614f6-745e-47f5-ad68-c0c8e9ba8dc8",
"start_date": "2020-09-04",
"end_date": "2020-09-04",
"start_time": "14:25:00",
"end_time": "14:55:00",
"status": "activated",
"promo_type": "sku_promo",
"details": {
"menu_item": {
"id": "45ba745f-745e-4568-ad68-c0c8e9ba8dc8",
"external_menu_id": "external-menu-id",
"name": "Kopi",
"price": 4500,
"discounted_price": 2500

Response Parameters - 200 Success

JSON AttributeDescriptionType
successStatus of the request. Value true indicates successful submission of the request.Boolean
dataDetails of the promotions.Object
  • To perform this operation, Direct Integration partner must be authenticated using go_auth_client_credentials(promo:food_promo:write).
  • To perform this operation, Facilitator partner must be authenticated using go_auth_authorization_code(promo:food_promo:write).
  • Possible error responses are 401, 404, 406, and 415. Please refer Error Glossary.

Deactivate a Promotion

You can deactivate an active promotion for a specific outlet using this method.

PUT /integrations/promo/outlets/{outlet_id}/v1/food-promos/{promotion_id}/deactivate

Sample Request

curl -X PUT{outlet_id}/v1/food-promos/{promotion_id}/deactivate \
-H 'X-Request-ID: some-sample-request-id' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

Path Parameters

outlet_idID of the outlet for which you want to deactivate a promotion.StringRequired
promotion_idID of the promotion that you want to deactivate.StringRequired

Header Parameter -

X-Request-IDIt is used to track the request. It is sent back on the response headers. If a request id already exists as the x-request-id in the HTTP request header and fulfills the length requirements, then it is used. Otherwise, a new request id is generated and the request is not rejected. Maximum Limit: 128 characters.StringOptional

Sample Response - 200 Success

"success": true

Response Parameter - 200 Success

JSON AttributeDescriptionType
successStatus of the request. Value true indicates successful submission of the request.Boolean
  • To perform this operation, Direct Integration partner must be authenticated using go_auth_client_credentials(promo:food_promo:write).
  • To perform this operation, Facilitator partner must be authenticated using go_auth_authorization_code(promo:food_promo:write).
  • Possible error responses are 401, 404, 406, and 415. Please refer Error Glossary.

Delete a Promotion

By using this method, you can delete a promotion associated with a specific outlet. Only promotion with created state can be deleted. To deactivate currently active promo, you can use Promo Deactivation API.

DELETE /integrations/promo/outlets/{outlet_id}/v1/food-promos/{promotion_id}

Sample Request

curl -X DELETE{outlet_id}/v1/food-promos/{promotion_id} \
-H 'X-Request-ID: some-sample-request-id' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

Path Parameters

outlet_idID of the outlet for which you want to delete a promotion.StringRequired
promotion_idID of the promotion that you want to delete.StringRequired

Header Parameter

X-Request-IDIt is used to track the request. It is sent back on the response headers. If a request id already exists as the x-request-id in the HTTP request header and fulfills the length requirements, then it is used. Otherwise, a new request id is generated and the request is not rejected. Maximum Limit: 128 characters.StringOptional

Sample Response - 200 Success

"success": true

Response Parameter - 200 Success

JSON AttributeDescriptionType
successStatus of the request. Value true indicates successful submission of the request.Boolean
  • Active promotion can not be deleted.
  • To perform this operation, Direct Integration partner must be authenticated using go_auth_client_credentials(promo:food_promo:write).
  • To perform this operation, Facilitator partner must be authenticated using go_auth_authorization_code(promo:food_promo:write).