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Authorization Code

Authorization Code is applicable for integrations involving a highly secure back-channel (backend service) and an insecure front channel (web browser).

In facilitator integration,

  • Client is any Facilitator (value-adding service) in the GoBiz application.
  • User is the merchant (end-user) of the GoBiz application.

Gojek authorizes both client and user.


The requirements for authorization using the Authorization Code are described in the table given below.

Resource OwnerIt is the entity that grants access to a protected resource.
Value: GoBiz
Resource ServerIt is the server that hosts the protected resources. It accepts and responds to the requests from the client using access tokens. GoBiz API is the resource server.
ClientIt is the web application that accesses the information of the end-user from GoBiz.
Authorization ServerIt is the server that issues access tokens to the client after authenticating the resource owner and obtaining authorization. Value: Gojek
IntegratorIt is the organization that integrates the client with GoBiz.
User AgentIt is the interface (browser) used to redirect the end-user to Gojek (for authorization) and back to the client.
Authorization EndpointIt is used to interact with the resource owner and obtain an authorization grant. The authorization server must first verify the identity of the resource owner.
Value: OAUTH_URL/oauth2/auth
Token EndpointIt is used by the client to refresh token or obtain an access token by presenting its authorization grant.
Value: OAUTH_URL/oauth2/token
Access TokenIt is the token required to access GoBiz APIs.
ID TokenIt is a JSON Web Token (JWT) that contains information about the end-user.
  • OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect are complex specifications with many security considerations and implications. We recommend you to use a pre-written battle-tested client library that is suitable for the selected language/framework, for developing the client application. You can find a list of libraries at (Not maintained by Gojek).

  • We strongly encourage you to refer RFC 6819: OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security Considerations to ensure secure integration. :::

The image below represents the Gojek Authorization Code workflow.


The subsequent sections describe the steps in the workflow and their significance.

Creating Anti-forgery 'state' Token

A state parameter is required for preventing cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks (Refer RFC 6749: Section 10.12). The state parameter is a unique session token created by the client and holds the state between the client and the user agent (browser). When the user is redirected back to the client after successful authentication and consent, the client should cross-verify the state token for legitimacy. Thus, the client ensures that the request is coming from legitimate user agent and not a malicious attacker.

  • state must be at least 8 characters long
  • state must be URL-safe encoded

Sample Code - Python

Sample code for creating 'state' token
import os
import hashlib
state = hashlib.sha256(os.urandom(10)).hexdigest()[:16]

Building Query String

The different parameters in the authorization request are described in the table given below.

client_idIt is a unique identifier given to the client by Gojek during generation of the client credentials.StringRequired
response_typeIt should be set to 'code' for authorization code integration.StringRequired
scopeIt is used in authorization code requests to request additional levels of access. The value should be at least openid.StringRequired
stateIt is a unique session token created for preventing CSRF attacks.StringRequired
redirect_uriIt is the endpoint of the client (backend server). The user is redirected to this URL after authorization. The value should match one of the redirect URIs registered during generation of client credentials.StringRequired
user_typeIt is used to specify the user type of the application. Available values : merchantStringRequired
nonceIt is a case-sensitive string value that is used to associate a client session with an ID Token and to mitigate replay attacks.StringOptional
max_ageIt is the maximum age of the authentication session. It forces login if session is older than this value.IntegerOptional
ui_localesIt is used to specify the end-user's preferred language and script for the user interface. For example: id or enStringOptional
promptIt is used to prompt the user to re-authenticate or give consents. Available values : none (default), login, and consent.StringOptional

Sample URL Param - Query String

Sample authorization URL for redirecting the user to Gojek

The available scopes or access levels are described in the table given below.

ScopeScope Description
openidTo read basic token info.
offlineTo regenerate access token.
partner:outlet:readTo read outlet data.
partner:outlet:writeTo edit or update outlet data.
gofood:catalog:readTo read GoFood menu.
gofood:catalog:writeTo modify GoFood menu.
gofood:order:readTo read GoFood order data.
gofood:order:writeTo mark an order is ready.
promo:food_promo:readTo retrieve GoFood promotions.
promo:food_promo:writeTo modify GoFood promotions.
payment:transaction:readTo read payment transaction.
payment:transaction:writeTo modify payment transaction.
payment:pop:readTo read payment PoP data.
mokapos:library:readTo read mokapos libray data.
mokapos:transaction:readTo read mokapos transaction data.
mokapos:reporting:readTo read mokapos reporting data.
mokapos:customer:readTo read mokapos libray data.
mokapos:checkout:writeTo update mokapos checkout data.
mokapos:salestype:readTo read mokapos sales type data.

Redirecting User to Gojek Server

The client sends the user to Gojek authorization endpoint (/oauth2/auth) by redirecting the user agent to the Gojek sign-in page (refer to RFC 6749: Section 1.7). This allows the user to login with Gojek credentials and to authorize the client to access their information on Gojek.


The Gojek sign-in page uses a session cookie to keep track of a user's session in the browser. If Partners need to sign in with a different user, there are solutions available.

  1. Add prompt=login query param to the Gojek sign-in URL.
  2. Use a private or incognito window in the browser.

Processing Authorization Callback

When the Gojek server authenticates the user and authorizes the client to access information, Gojek generates an authorization code. Gojek then redirects the user to redirect_uri with the code and the state originally sent by the client.

On receiving this callback, the client verifies the state parameter and ensures that the value is same as the one sent earlier.

Sample URL Param - Authorization Callback

Sample URL to which user is redirected after authorization

Exchanging Code for Access Token & ID Token

The code returned in the previous step is single-use authorization code and is short-lived (expires in two minutes after receiving the redirection). The client exchanges this code with Gojek to request an access token and an ID token containing information about the user.

Session Expires after 9 months

When using the Authorization Code flow, Gojek server creates a session that expires after 9 months. When a session expires, the refresh token no longer works. Partners must ask users to re-authenticate by triggering a new authorization code flow (requesting a new OTP).

A POST request is sent to the /oauth2/token endpoint with following parameters in the request body:

Endpoint = OAUTH_URL/oauth2/token

Request Parameters

JSON AttributeDescriptionTypeRequired
grant_typeIt is the authorization_code as defined in OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant.StringRequired
codeIt is the value received as part of redirection to redirect_uri.StringRequired
client_idIt is the client identifier issued by GoJek. It should be the same as the one sent during /oauth2/auth.StringRequired
client_secretIt is the Client Secret issued by GoJek for the client_id.StringRequired
redirect_uriIt is the redirection URI used during the /oauth2/auth call.StringRequired

Sample Request

Sample Request
curl -X POST \
-u "my_client_id:my_client_secret" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "grant_type=authorization_code" \
-d "code=e3q4dqlkjasjdl" \
-d "redirect_uri="

When the client credentials are successfully verified, the code results in a JSON response with the information given in the table below.

Response Parameters

JSON AttributeDescriptionType
access_tokenIt is a token used to access GoBiz API.String
id_tokenIt is an identifier for the token.String
expires_inIt is the approximate lifetime (in seconds) of the token that is remaining since receiving the response.Integer
token_typeIt is the type of token returned. It is always Bearer.String
refresh_tokenIt is a refresh token for renewing access tokens offline (without user). This is present only if the scope contains offline.String

Sample Response

Sample Response
"access_token": "this_is_the_access_token",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"id_token": "this_is_the_token_identifier"

Handling Errors

In case of an error, we recommend that you display a user-friendly screen that describes the error, and redirect the user to the login screen so that the user can try to login again.

Error responses and error codes are similar to those defined in RFC 6749: OAuth2.0, except when specified otherwise.

In case of an error during /oauth2/auth redirection, the error is sent to the client backend as one of the query parameters of the redirect_uri, as specified in the OAuth 2.0 RFC.

Use Access Token to Access GoBiz API

Access token received in the Exchanging Code for Access Token & ID Token step can be used to access GoBiz APIs by sending the token in the Authorization header.

For Authorization header example, see Get All Outlets API.


If you are using an Authorization Code access token, you can only access outlets that accessible by the User. If you access to a different outlet, then it will be rejected.

Identify API only accessible with Authorization Code access token

To identify which API that's only accessible with Authorization Code access token, you can check on the API page and find if it contains go_auth_authorization_code information.


go_auth_authorization_code(promo:food_promo:write) means the API is accessible using Authorization Code access token and promo:food_promo:write scope.

Refresh Token

The Refresh Token grant type lets partners swap a refresh token for a new access token once the access token expires. This keeps partners connected without needing the user to do anything else.

A POST request is sent to the /oauth2/token endpoint with following parameters in the request body:

Endpoint = OAUTH_URL/oauth2/token

Request Parameters

JSON AttributeDescriptionTypeRequired
grant_typeThe value is refresh_token as defined in OAuth2 Refresh Token Grant.StringRequired
refresh_tokenIt is an issued refresh token for renewing access tokens offline (without user).StringRequired
client_idIt is the client identifier issued by GoJek. It should be the same as the one sent during /oauth2/auth.StringRequired
client_secretIt is the Client Secret issued by GoJek for the client_id.StringRequired

Sample Request

Sample Request
curl -X POST \
-u "my_client_id:my_client_secret" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "grant_type=refresh_token" \
-d "refresh_token=dBqRkcp1Aebbc50kXrJLFrh9nHAogNKedsrKtUfwsS0"

When the refresh token are successfully verified, it results in a JSON response with the information given in the table below.

Response Parameters

JSON AttributeDescriptionType
access_tokenIt is a token used to access GoBiz API.String
id_tokenIt is an identifier for the token.String
expires_inIt is the approximate lifetime (in seconds) of the token that is remaining since receiving the response.Integer
token_typeIt is the type of token returned. It is always Bearer.String
refresh_tokenIt is a refresh token for renewing access tokens offline (without user). This is present only if the scope contains offline.String

Sample Response

Sample Response
"access_token": "this_is_the_access_token",
"expires_in": 3600,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"id_token": "this_is_the_token_identifier"

Issues when Refresh Token

There may be failures during the refresh token. Issues listed below requires Partner to re-authenticate.

IssuesDescriptionError Condition
User is no longer availableIf the previous user who entered the OTP is no longer with the outlet, Partners must re-authenticate using a different user from that outlet.Partners uses correct parameters and refresh token is valid. Gojek system returns 5xx error, even after multiple retries, with message
{"error":"server_error","error_description":"The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request."}
Session expires after 9 monthsEach authorization code flow creates a session that expires after 9 months. Partners must re-authenticate again using a user from that outlet.Partners uses correct parameters and refresh token is valid. Gojek system returns 4xx error with message
{"error":"invalid_grant", "error_description":"The provided authorization grant (e.g., authorization code, resource owner credentials) or refresh token is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client."}